Bushel to Barrel Conversion

Convert Bushel to Barrel by entering the Bushel (bu) value in the calculator form. bu to bbl conversion.

bu to bbl Converter

1 bu = 0.221647 bbl

Barrel to Bushel Conversion

Bushel volume unit is equal to 0.221647 Barrel.

How Many Barrel in a Bushel

There are 0.221647 Barrel in a Bushel.

Conversion Factors for Barrel and Bushel

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Bushel bu 3.523907 × 10 -2
Barrel bbl 1.589873 × 10 -1

Bushel to Barrel Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Bushel and Barrel with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 bu = 3.523907 * 10-2 m³
1 bbl = 1.589873 * 10-1 m³
1 bbl = 0.1589873 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.1589873) bbl
1 m³ = 6.2898105697751 bbl

1 bu = 3.523907 * 10-2 * 6.2898105697751 bbl
1 bu = 0.22164707495504 bbl

Bushel to Barrel Conversion Table

1 bu0.221647 bbl
10 bu2.21647 bbl
20 bu4.43294 bbl
30 bu6.64941 bbl
40 bu8.86588 bbl
50 bu11.08235 bbl
60 bu13.29882 bbl
70 bu15.51529 bbl
80 bu17.73176 bbl
90 bu19.94823 bbl
100 bu22.1647 bbl
110 bu24.38117 bbl
120 bu26.59764 bbl
130 bu28.81411 bbl
140 bu31.03058 bbl
150 bu33.24705 bbl
160 bu35.46352 bbl
170 bu37.67999 bbl
180 bu39.89646 bbl
190 bu42.11293 bbl
200 bu44.3294 bbl


Bushel to Barrel Conversion

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