Bushel to Pint (U.S. dry) Conversion
Convert Bushel to Pint (U.S. dry) by entering the Bushel (bu) value in the calculator form. bu to dry pt conversion.
1 bu = 63.999996 dry pt
Pint (U.S. dry) to Bushel ConversionBushel volume unit is equal to 63.999996 Pint (U.S. dry).
How Many Pint (U.S. dry) in a Bushel
There are 63.999996 Pint (U.S. dry) in a Bushel.
Conversion Factors for Pint (U.S. dry) and Bushel
Volume Unit | Symbol | Factor |
Bushel | bu | 3.523907 × 10 -2 m³ |
Pint (U.S. dry) | dry pt | 5.506105 × 10 -4 m³ |
Bushel to Pint (U.S. dry) Calculation
We calculate the base unit equivalent of Bushel and Pint (U.S. dry) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.
1 bu = 3.523907 * 10-2 m³ 1 dry pt = 5.506105 * 10-4 m³ 1 dry pt = 0.0005506105 m³ 1 m³ = (1/0.0005506105) dry pt 1 m³ = 1816.1658740616 dry pt 1 bu = 3.523907 * 10-2 * 1816.1658740616 dry pt 1 bu = 63.999996367668 dry pt
Bushel to Pint (U.S. dry) Conversion Table
Bushel | Pint (U.S. dry) |
1 bu | 63.999996 dry pt |
2 bu | 127.999992 dry pt |
3 bu | 191.999988 dry pt |
4 bu | 255.999984 dry pt |
5 bu | 319.99998 dry pt |
6 bu | 383.999976 dry pt |
7 bu | 447.999972 dry pt |
8 bu | 511.999968 dry pt |
9 bu | 575.999964 dry pt |
10 bu | 639.99996 dry pt |
11 bu | 703.999956 dry pt |
12 bu | 767.999952 dry pt |
13 bu | 831.999948 dry pt |
14 bu | 895.999944 dry pt |
15 bu | 959.99994 dry pt |
16 bu | 1023.999936 dry pt |
17 bu | 1087.999932 dry pt |
18 bu | 1151.999928 dry pt |
19 bu | 1215.999924 dry pt |
20 bu | 1279.99992 dry pt |
- bu : Bushel
- dry pt : Pint (U.S. dry)
- m³ : Cubic Meter
Related Volume Conversions
- Bushel to Barrel
- Bushel to Cubic Millimeters
- Bushel to Cubic Inches
- Bushel to Cubic Yards
- Bushel to Milliliters
- Bushel to Gallons (U.S.)
- Bushel to Fluid Ounces (U.S.)
- Bushel to Pint (U.S. dry)
List all Bushel Conversions »