Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards Conversion

Convert Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards by entering the Cubic Feet (ft³) value in the calculator form. ft³ to yd³ conversion.

ft³ to yd³ Converter

1 ft³ = 0.037037 yd³

Cubic Yards to Cubic Feet Conversion

Cubic Feet volume unit is equal to 0.037037 Cubic Yards.

How Many Cubic Yards in a Cubic Feet

There are 0.037037 Cubic Yards in a Cubic Feet.

Conversion Factors for Cubic Yards and Cubic Feet

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Cubic Feet ft³ 2.831685 × 10 -2
Cubic Yards yd³ 7.645549 × 10 -1

Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Cubic Feet and Cubic Yards with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 ft³ = 2.831685 * 10-2 m³
1 yd³ = 7.645549 * 10-1 m³
1 yd³ = 0.7645549 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.7645549) yd³
1 m³ = 1.3079505474362 yd³

1 ft³ = 2.831685 * 10-2 * 1.3079505474362 yd³
1 ft³ = 0.037037039459168 yd³

Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards Conversion Table

Cubic FeetCubic Yards
1 ft³0.037037 yd³
10 ft³0.37037 yd³
20 ft³0.74074 yd³
30 ft³1.11111 yd³
40 ft³1.48148 yd³
50 ft³1.85185 yd³
60 ft³2.22222 yd³
70 ft³2.59259 yd³
80 ft³2.96296 yd³
90 ft³3.33333 yd³
100 ft³3.7037 yd³
110 ft³4.07407 yd³
120 ft³4.44444 yd³
130 ft³4.81481 yd³
140 ft³5.18518 yd³
150 ft³5.55555 yd³
160 ft³5.92592 yd³
170 ft³6.29629 yd³
180 ft³6.66666 yd³
190 ft³7.03703 yd³
200 ft³7.4074 yd³


Cubic Feet to Cubic Yards Conversion

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