Fluid Ounces (U.S.) to Centiliters Conversion

Convert Fluid Ounces (U.S.) to Centiliters by entering the Fluid Ounces (U.S.) (oz) value in the calculator form. oz to cl conversion.

oz to cl Converter

1 oz = 2.957353 cl

Centiliters to Fluid Ounces (U.S.) Conversion

Fluid Ounces (U.S.) volume unit is equal to 2.957353 Centiliters.

How Many Centiliters in a Fluid Ounces (U.S.)

There are 2.957353 Centiliters in a Fluid Ounces (U.S.).

Conversion Factors for Centiliters and Fluid Ounces (U.S.)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Fluid Ounces (U.S.) oz 2.957353 × 10 -5
Centiliters cl 1 × 10 -5

Fluid Ounces (U.S.) to Centiliters Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Fluid Ounces (U.S.) and Centiliters with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 oz = 2.957353 * 10-5 m³
1 cl = 1 * 10-5 m³
1 cl = 1.0E-5 m³

1 m³ = (1/1.0E-5) cl
1 m³ = 100000 cl

1 oz = 2.957353 * 10-5 * 100000 cl
1 oz = 2.957353 cl

Fluid Ounces (U.S.) to Centiliters Conversion Table

Fluid Ounces (U.S.)Centiliters
1 oz2.957353 cl
2 oz5.914706 cl
3 oz8.872059 cl
4 oz11.829412 cl
5 oz14.786765 cl
6 oz17.744118 cl
7 oz20.701471 cl
8 oz23.658824 cl
9 oz26.616177 cl
10 oz29.57353 cl
11 oz32.530883 cl
12 oz35.488236 cl
13 oz38.445589 cl
14 oz41.402942 cl
15 oz44.360295 cl
16 oz47.317648 cl
17 oz50.275001 cl
18 oz53.232354 cl
19 oz56.189707 cl
20 oz59.14706 cl


Fluid Ounces (U.S.) to Centiliters Conversion

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