Gill (Imperial) to Teaspoon Conversion

Convert Gill (Imperial) to Teaspoon by entering the Gill (Imperial) (gi) value in the calculator form. gi to Teaspoon conversion.

gi to Teaspoon Converter

1 gi = 28.822793 Teaspoon

Teaspoon to Gill (Imperial) Conversion

Gill (Imperial) volume unit is equal to 28.822793 Teaspoon.

How Many Teaspoon in a Gill (Imperial)

There are 28.822793 Teaspoon in a Gill (Imperial).

Conversion Factors for Teaspoon and Gill (Imperial)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Gill (Imperial) gi 1.420653 × 10 -4
Teaspoon Teaspoon 4.928922 × 10 -6

Gill (Imperial) to Teaspoon Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Gill (Imperial) and Teaspoon with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 gi = 1.420653 * 10-4 m³
1 Teaspoon = 4.928922 * 10-6 m³
1 Teaspoon = 4.928922E-6 m³

1 m³ = (1/4.928922E-6) Teaspoon
1 m³ = 202884.11948901 Teaspoon

1 gi = 1.420653 * 10-4 * 202884.11948901 Teaspoon
1 gi = 28.822793300442 Teaspoon

Gill (Imperial) to Teaspoon Conversion Table

Gill (Imperial)Teaspoon
1 gi28.822793 Teaspoon
2 gi57.645586 Teaspoon
3 gi86.468379 Teaspoon
4 gi115.291172 Teaspoon
5 gi144.113965 Teaspoon
6 gi172.936758 Teaspoon
7 gi201.759551 Teaspoon
8 gi230.582344 Teaspoon
9 gi259.405137 Teaspoon
10 gi288.22793 Teaspoon
11 gi317.050723 Teaspoon
12 gi345.873516 Teaspoon
13 gi374.696309 Teaspoon
14 gi403.519102 Teaspoon
15 gi432.341895 Teaspoon
16 gi461.164688 Teaspoon
17 gi489.987481 Teaspoon
18 gi518.810274 Teaspoon
19 gi547.633067 Teaspoon
20 gi576.45586 Teaspoon


Gill (Imperial) to Teaspoon Conversion

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