Stere to Barrel Conversion

Convert Stere to Barrel by entering the Stere (st) value in the calculator form. st to bbl conversion.

st to bbl Converter

1 st = 6.289811 bbl

Barrel to Stere Conversion

Stere volume unit is equal to 6.289811 Barrel.

How Many Barrel in a Stere

There are 6.289811 Barrel in a Stere.

Conversion Factors for Barrel and Stere

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Stere st 1 × 10 0
Barrel bbl 1.589873 × 10 -1

Stere to Barrel Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Stere and Barrel with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 st = 1 * 100 m³
1 bbl = 1.589873 * 10-1 m³
1 bbl = 0.1589873 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.1589873) bbl
1 m³ = 6.2898105697751 bbl

1 st = 1 * 100 * 6.2898105697751 bbl
1 st = 6.2898105697751 bbl

Stere to Barrel Conversion Table

1 st6.289811 bbl
2 st12.579622 bbl
3 st18.869433 bbl
4 st25.159244 bbl
5 st31.449055 bbl
6 st37.738866 bbl
7 st44.028677 bbl
8 st50.318488 bbl
9 st56.608299 bbl
10 st62.89811 bbl
11 st69.187921 bbl
12 st75.477732 bbl
13 st81.767543 bbl
14 st88.057354 bbl
15 st94.347165 bbl
16 st100.636976 bbl
17 st106.926787 bbl
18 st113.216598 bbl
19 st119.506409 bbl
20 st125.79622 bbl


Stere to Barrel Conversion

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