Gill (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion

Convert Gill (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry) by entering the Gill (Imperial) (gi) value in the calculator form. gi to dry qt conversion.

gi to dry qt Converter

1 gi = 0.129007 dry qt

Quart (U.S. dry) to Gill (Imperial) Conversion

Gill (Imperial) volume unit is equal to 0.129007 Quart (U.S. dry).

How Many Quart (U.S. dry) in a Gill (Imperial)

There are 0.129007 Quart (U.S. dry) in a Gill (Imperial).

Conversion Factors for Quart (U.S. dry) and Gill (Imperial)

Volume UnitSymbolFactor
Gill (Imperial) gi 1.420653 × 10 -4
Quart (U.S. dry) dry qt 1.101221 × 10 -3

Gill (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry) Calculation

We calculate the base unit equivalent of Gill (Imperial) and Quart (U.S. dry) with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.

1 gi = 1.420653 * 10-4 m³
1 dry qt = 1.101221 * 10-3 m³
1 dry qt = 0.001101221 m³

1 m³ = (1/0.001101221) dry qt
1 m³ = 908.0829370308 dry qt

1 gi = 1.420653 * 10-4 * 908.0829370308 dry qt
1 gi = 0.12900707487416 dry qt

Gill (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion Table

Gill (Imperial)Quart (U.S. dry)
1 gi0.129007 dry qt
10 gi1.29007 dry qt
20 gi2.58014 dry qt
30 gi3.87021 dry qt
40 gi5.16028 dry qt
50 gi6.45035 dry qt
60 gi7.74042 dry qt
70 gi9.03049 dry qt
80 gi10.32056 dry qt
90 gi11.61063 dry qt
100 gi12.9007 dry qt
110 gi14.19077 dry qt
120 gi15.48084 dry qt
130 gi16.77091 dry qt
140 gi18.06098 dry qt
150 gi19.35105 dry qt
160 gi20.64112 dry qt
170 gi21.93119 dry qt
180 gi23.22126 dry qt
190 gi24.51133 dry qt
200 gi25.8014 dry qt


Gill (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry) Conversion

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