Ounces (Imperial) to Cubic Inches Conversion
Convert Ounces (Imperial) to Cubic Inches by entering the Ounces (Imperial) (fl oz) value in the calculator form. fl oz to in³ conversion.
1 fl oz = 1.733872 in³
Cubic Inches to Ounces (Imperial) ConversionOunces (Imperial) volume unit is equal to 1.733872 Cubic Inches.
How Many Cubic Inches in a Ounces (Imperial)
There are 1.733872 Cubic Inches in a Ounces (Imperial).
Conversion Factors for Cubic Inches and Ounces (Imperial)
Volume Unit | Symbol | Factor |
Ounces (Imperial) | fl oz | 2.841306 × 10 -5 m³ |
Cubic Inches | in³ | 1.638706 × 10 -5 m³ |
Ounces (Imperial) to Cubic Inches Calculation
We calculate the base unit equivalent of Ounces (Imperial) and Cubic Inches with the base unit factor of volume cubic meter.
1 fl oz = 2.841306 * 10-5 m³ 1 in³ = 1.638706 * 10-5 m³ 1 in³ = 1.638706E-5 m³ 1 m³ = (1/1.638706E-5) in³ 1 m³ = 61023.758990325 in³ 1 fl oz = 2.841306 * 10-5 * 61023.758990325 in³ 1 fl oz = 1.7338717256177 in³
Ounces (Imperial) to Cubic Inches Conversion Table
Ounces (Imperial) | Cubic Inches |
1 fl oz | 1.733872 in³ |
2 fl oz | 3.467744 in³ |
3 fl oz | 5.201616 in³ |
4 fl oz | 6.935488 in³ |
5 fl oz | 8.66936 in³ |
6 fl oz | 10.403232 in³ |
7 fl oz | 12.137104 in³ |
8 fl oz | 13.870976 in³ |
9 fl oz | 15.604848 in³ |
10 fl oz | 17.33872 in³ |
11 fl oz | 19.072592 in³ |
12 fl oz | 20.806464 in³ |
13 fl oz | 22.540336 in³ |
14 fl oz | 24.274208 in³ |
15 fl oz | 26.00808 in³ |
16 fl oz | 27.741952 in³ |
17 fl oz | 29.475824 in³ |
18 fl oz | 31.209696 in³ |
19 fl oz | 32.943568 in³ |
20 fl oz | 34.67744 in³ |
- fl oz : Ounces (Imperial)
- in³ : Cubic Inches
- m³ : Cubic Meter
Related Volume Conversions
- Ounces (Imperial) to Cubic Decimeters
- Ounces (Imperial) to Barrel
- Ounces (Imperial) to Cord
- Ounces (Imperial) to Centiliters
- Ounces (Imperial) to Gallons (U.S.)
- Ounces (Imperial) to Quart (U.S. dry)
- Ounces (Imperial) to Tablespoon
List all Ounces (Imperial) Conversions »